Sample Letter of Agreement

Posted on | Selasa, 23 November 2010 | No Comments

The letter is address to an authorized personality for accepting the tender made by delegating company and giving the order so and so forth. The letter includes term and conditions of the order along with the necessary documentation to be done by the organization in terms of acceptance of particular agreement.

Meghan J. Martinez

4192 Hillside Drive

Rene-Perez Association, LA 70506

31 October, 2010.


Dear, Meghan J. Martinez

This is with reference to tender accepted by you. We are pleased to inform you about acceptance of your order and kindly providing you the details of the agreement should be made between your organization and our company. We charge Rs. Twenty Lakhs per month for the venture. The bifurcation of the services to be provided by the company and charge per service is mentioned in the tender submitted by the company.

Your organization has to make four installments for the amount charged by us. first installment of worth Rs. Five Lakhs has to made at the time to agreement and Second installment of Rs. Five Lakhs has to be done till the date of commencement of work. The remaining two installments can be given after the completion of work. We are looking forward to have great deal with you and your organization.

Yours Sincerely,

Tracy B. Cothern

3347 Nancy Street

Raleigh Associates,

NC 27604.


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